The book tells the tale of two women who could not be more different from one another but they seem to share one thing in common they are madly in love with one another from the moment they meet.
Leyla is a timid muslim young woman, who is currently working in her fathers company. She is currently dating Tala's bestfriend Ali.
Tala is an outgoing christian young woman who is currently awaiting to get married to her fiance Hani in an elaborate and over-priced wedding arranged by her mother.

The close knit friendship swiftly becomes an intimate love affair, leaving Leyla heartbroken when Tala tells her it's not a way to live and that she can't hurt her fiance Hani. After the break-up with Tala, Leyla finds the confidence to tell her parents the reason she is not happy with Ali or any other man for that fact is because she is gay. Tala however returns to Jordan and awaits her looming wedding day.
Leyla stops working for her father so that she is able to pursue her writing career and she also finds a girlfriend. She does so well with her writing that she gets her writing published into a novel. While all this is going on Tala has called off her wedding to her fiancé Hani telling him that it would not be fair to him. Tala's mother whisks Tala back to London to avoid the embarrassment of yet another failed engagement.
Tala and Leyla accidentally come across one another at a talk given about Jordan which is being funded by Tala's family. But to Tala's disappointment Leyla has come along with her new girlfriend Jennifer.

At the book signing of Leyla's book, Tala appears and asks Leyla to write what would seem like a rather bizarre inscription to other passers by
To Tala, who finally had the courage to come out to her parents.
Leyla however writes
I love you.
With this they are able to live a happy, carefree life with one another, one in which they do not have to hide who they are with or love.