This film consists of 4 teenage girl agents, Amy, Dominique, Max and Janet. In order to be a D.E.B you have to have something unique almost special about you. The girls starts with the normal wake up call and they receive news on an ongoing mission about the deviant Lucy Diamond. They appear at the same restaurant that Lucy seems to be having an awkward date.
Just as Lucy is making up an ridiculous excuse to remove herself from the date an interference occurs making it known to her that she is being watched severely by a large group. Lucy and Amy accidentally bump into one another during the whole commotion but rather than arrest her Amy ends up having a conversation with her which Lucy takes as a mutual attraction. After that Lucy keeps arranging for scenarios so they can meet up again, initially Amy
seems annoyed about it but only to turn around and admit that she fancies Lucy also but being attracted to women and a diamond thief they have being trying to catch. When Lucy pretends to kidnap Amy it all comes out when the D.E.B.S rescue team walks in on Amy and Lucy in bed together. Amy then tries to break it off feeling that she is doing the best for her and Lucy but in the long run she's only hurting the both of them. They eventually end up together at the cost of Amy and Lucy running away together the rest of the D.E.B.S girls lying for them and Amy finally getting her wings.