The Orphanage
"The Orphanage/ El Orfanato" is a spanish horror film. The film is centred around a couple and their young son that move into a rather large house the mum used to live in when she was an orphan living within the orphanage with many other boys and girls. Initially the couple young son Simon has been saying he has imaginary friends and his parents seem to have accepted it but when Simon claims that his most recent friend is indeed real and not imaginary trouble begins. The family are meant to be refurbishing the house to once again open it as an orphanage but on the open day Simon seems to be misbehaving to a whole new extent and later on in the day goes missing. The young couple are distraught and spend months looking for him in desperation but to make matters worse no news has ever surfaced about Simon's whereabouts or any of his clothing that he had on that day. The young Mum soon comes across a shocking revelation which makes her realise Simon was indeed telling the truth about his friend and that in order to find out what happened to him she must first find out what happened to his friend and then play a game with him to get the facts/information she so badly desires.
The film seems to play on the aspect of just because you can not see it the first time does not mean it does not exist/is not there, not everything is quite as simple as we would like to believe. Sometimes it takes believing the impossible to understand whats truly going on. The film uses what seems to be irrelevant flashbacks through out the film but if you truly pay attention to the film you are soon able to justify why they showed that particular flashback which seemed irrelevant at the time but now makes sense.