The book 'The Wives of Bath' is primarily based on one girl Mary Bedford who later becomes know as Mouse the nickname was given to her by one of her room mates Paulie. The story is about Paulie, Mary and Tori, Tori is supposedly dating/in love with Paulie's brother which we later find out is just Paulie dressed up in boys clothes and copying their characteristics so that no-one will suspect it is her. As we follow the girls through their boarding school regimes we soon see that not everything is quite as simple as you may think, they have set times to everything within their days and if they break curfew they face serious consequences. Mary is given some leeway as she has a disability a small hump on her back which tends to make her tired quicker than the average person. She initially tries to hide that she has it but when the school nurse sees it she soon brings it to everyone's attention by encouraging Mary to wear special orthopaedic shoes which are obvious to everyone else that this girl has some form of a disability. Mary seems to settle into the school okay with the help of Tori but not Paulie who seems somewhat cautious of Mary as though she believes that Mary can not be trusted. The two soon become acquaintances when Paulie decides to take her under her wing and encourages her too dress like a boy too, this leads to their identities becoming known to a rival boy school and eventually murder and grieving when Mary's father suddenly dies.
Whereas with the film "Lost and Delirious" it's based on the same characters and relatively the same story accept there is no murder within the film and Paulie does not cross dress. The film is based upon Mary and her time at boarding school but also about Paulie and Tori the two girls she shares a room with. When Mary first moves into the room she sees the two girls friendship as nothing more as them missing being away from home, they seek comfort from one another through their overly intimate gestures. However as time goes on she sees that is not just merely them being friendly towards one another but that they are in fact in love/in a relationship. The three girls become extremely close as Paulie and Tori involve Mary in whatever they are doing, Paulie even goes as far as to give Mary the nickname Mary Brave rather that new girl which she was referring to her as. The trio are soon to split when Tori's sister walks in to find both Paulie and her sister in bed together and neither of them are wearing tops and seem to be embracing one another in a lover's embrace. The relationship rapidly dissolves as Tori tries to prove she is straight and that is was nothing with Paulie for the sake of her family, leading Paulie on a downward spiral of hate and self-pity. The film ends in tragedy as well but rather than anyone being murdered Paulie takes her own life as she can not bare to be without her beloved Tori.
I was able to relate to the story as it shows the lengths people in love are willing to go to, just to be accepted. For Tori loved Paulie just as much as she loved her but she was unable to freely show it so decided to deny apart of herself. She knew that her parents/family and maybe her friends would disown her for pursuing such a relationship and with a girl of all people. so she conformed to what is seen as right within society and the eyes of her parents and peers and began dating a boy.With my story however one of the women did not conform to what her family thought was right so has been disowned by her family, her family now is her girlfriend.
"No! I'm PAULIE in love with TORI. Remember? And Tori, she is, she IS in love with me because she is mine and I am hers and neither of us are LESBIANS!"