Coronation Street/ Twilight New Moon & Eclipse

'Coronation Street's' Sian & Sophie's budding/abstruse relationship

I found this to be influential due to the nature of the relationship, it was something they stumbled upon accidentally as neither of them knew they could have feelings for another female let alone their best friend.

The relationship began shortly after Sian broke up with her boyfriend Ryan. Sian went to Sophie's to be comforted and to apologise to her for not believing her that Ryan had attempted to come on to her, the
two end up getting too close as they reconcile which ends up in the two sharing a couple intimate kisses.

I thought this was similar to 'Cut Out' as Grace and Carmen also just happened to stumble upon their relationship whilst at university. The difference is they never had to shy away from their feelings as much as Sophie and Sian do. This being because they both came out to their families and it was never a secret, however their reactions to the
revelation may be somewhat the same. In 'Cut Out' Grace's family couldn't initially deal with it so decided to disown her but after seeing how serious she is about Carmen they welcomed them both back into the family with open arms. Whereas with Carmen her family all have different views on it and it's a topic they don't feel the need to discuss.

Sophie is sure enough about the feelings she has for Sian, whilst Sian is attempting to embrace the idea and is still pondering about where her sudden feelings for Sophie have come from. I found this some what similar to 'Cut Out' as Carmen is completely sure about her feelings for Grace but Grace gets considerably in doubt when she thinks the only way she can help Carmen is by leaving her which will hurt and ends their life plans but will help her in the long run.

'Twilight's New Moon & Eclipse' love triangle between Edward, Bella & Jacob

The love triangle is somewhat complex compared to that of Grace and Carmen's relationship in 'Cut Out', maybe because from the beginning of 'Cut Out' we know the relationship is just about the two of them and yes their might be other factors that try to disrupt their relationship but not in the form of a person who is trying to steal one half of the couple. Yes someone is trying to separate them but more because she's uncomfortable with the relationship as she is homophobic rather than
her wanting a romantic encounter with one of them.

I also found that in both films there is always someone who is willing to make a sacrifice for the one they love. In 'Twilight New Moon' Edward is willing to sacrifice his happiness, life and the exposure to the fact that vampires live in the present day. Whilst in 'Cut Out' Carmen is willing to walk away from the relationship so that Grace can receive the promotion she deserves as she works too hard to miss such an opportunity and she doesn't want Grace to end up resenting her in the long run.

The other sacrifice that i felt had some sort of correlation is that of Bella putting herself in a somewhat compromising predicament to help  her best friend Jacob. Bella loves Jacob but not as much as Edward as she is in love with Edward. However she tries to show him that she still needs/wants/longs for him through passionately kissing him before he departs for the big fight scene in 'Twilight Eclipse'. This is a sacrifice as Edward as the ability to read minds and he obviously knows that Bella and Jacob share a kiss through reading Jacobs thoughts. This could have been the downfall in their relationship but instead Edward respects that it was the only way that Bella could try and save her best friend, even though Edward and Jacob are arch rivals he realises that it's a somewhat selfish act but he can understand why she had to do it not to hurt him but instead to try and save Jacob from getting hurt. In the long run this backfires as Jacob knows in his heart and later on through a conversation with Bella that as much as she loves him it's not enough for her to be with him. As long as Edward is alive she belongs with him but at the same time she still wants Jacob in her life.

Grace is also making a somewhat selfless sacrifice, she is sacrificing her career, her chance in being promoted especially as she has just proposed to Carmen. It could and probably will present issues with her boss Ashely when she eventually hears the news unless Grace has decided that Ashley either accepts that her sexuality/relationship is not something she is willing to change for anyone she either accepts it or she doesn't get promoted. As her sexuality/relationship is in no way interfering with her work performance and it's not as if she is parading her sexuality around at work, the case is it should be what Grace does in the privacy of her own home should never come into her being promoted or how it represents the company.