Ludovic Fabre: "I'm a girlboy."
Jérôme: "A girlboy?"
Ludovic "Fabre: To make a baby, parents play tic-tac-toe. When one wins, God sends Xs and Ys. XX for a girl, and XY for a boy. But my X for a girl fell in the trash, and I got a Y instead. See? A scientific error! But God will fix it and send me an X and make me a girl and then we'll get married, okay?"
Jérôme: "That will depend on what kind of girl you are."

This is a story about being brave enough to be yourself from a young age no matter the challenges and difficulties you may come across from both supposedly friends and family. Ludovic is a little boy who often dresses up as a girl, puts on make up, has long hair and always tells his Mother and Grandmother Elisabeth that he is a girl and that he intends on marrying Jerome once he is a girl. He doesn't seem to understand why no-one else seems to understand, as far as he is concerned it is a mistake that God will rectify in due time. Ludovic is like every average little boy in that he likes to play games, sports, dance except for one thing he isn't a little boy, he's a trans gender girl who just happens to know this from a very young age and is more than willing to embrace it even if other around him are uncomfortable and even aggressive about it. Ludovic and his family move to a new town as his father gets a new job, on arrival they throw a barbecue for both their new neighbors and Ludovic's father colleagues. As Ludovic's father is introducing his family members one by one he describes Ludovic as a comedian as he is currently dressed in women's clothes when he comes out of the house. The family quickly assure everyone that he was just messing around as he's quickly rushed back inside where his mother changes him into his own clothes. However when they discuss it with Elisabeth the actions of Ludovic at the party she defends it, as she read that it is perfectly normal for children seven and under to dress up.
Jérôme: "And this is our bathroom, and this is my bedroom."Ludovic Fabre: "What's in there?"Jérôme: "It's out-of-bounds."Ludovic Fabre: "But what's in there?Jérôme: "My sister's bedroom."Ludovic Fabre: "Where is she?"
Jérôme: "She's gone away."
Ludovic and his father's bosses son Jerome are the same age and soon Ludovic is invited for a play date at Jerome's house. Jerome is intrigued by Ludovic, whilst Ludovic always insists that he intends to marry Jerome when he is a boy. Somewhere in the midst of the two boys game Ludovic finds himself in Jerome's deceased sisters room (Jerome's parent's seemed to have preserved the room as it was not wanting to disturb anything in there), where he dresses himself up in one of her old dresses and the two play Pam and Ben getting married, Ludovic playing the role of Pam whilst Jerome is Ben. This is perfectly fine as young children tend to play pretend however Ludovic takes it one step further in insisting that he is a girl, especially since he lives in a rather narrow-minded community where no-one wants their child/children to associate with him.

door. In a fit of rage/utter anguish she cuts Ludovic's hair. Resulting in the two of them crying. Ludovic's Mother through frustration and Ludovic as he doesn't understand why his hair is being cut nor why he is being forced to act and behave in a way that is alien to him.
Ludovic Fabre: One day I'll marry Jerome!
Hanna Fabre: I told you, boys never marry boys! Or very rarely.
Ludovic Fabre: But I'll be a girl.
Hanna Fabre: You are a boy and you always will be!
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