Films/Shorts, Books, Soaps, Dramas, Fan Fiction, Fan Art
Imagine Me and You
Watched the film 'Imagine Me and You' which provided me with the idea of doing my major project on 'Lesbians in Film'. Preferably about the portrayl of women as in stereotypes (butch or lip-stick lesbian), the effect it had on the Hays Office and how the general public reacted to it?Are lesbians/hetrosexual women able to identify with the characters?Is it a realistic portrayl or merely a man/womans fantasy of what they would like to see happen?Is it in fact a film for the viewing audience or instead just a film for the screen/scriptwriter? The film 'Imagine Me and You' helped me to get to this conclusion because the story is based upon an accidental if almost an unaware attraction/affair. For Luce is an out lesbian who falls for supposedly hetrosexual Rachel who's wedding she arranged the flowers for. The unexpected twist comes when Rachel realises that she in turn has fallen for Luce and wants to pursue a relationship with her but not at the cost of hurting Hector her husbands feelings. This is soon resolved when she admits to a drunken Hector that she has fallen for someone else but won't leave him, forcing him to then decide whether or not to stay with her or let her be with the one she truly loves.Knowing that he could not and does not want to come between Rachel and her maybe true love he leaves her, giving her the freedom to pursue Luce.
'The Colour Purple' compared to that of 'Imagine Me & You' are completely different not only because of the natures of both the stories but also when it comes to the love affair between the women in both. This being because in 'Imagine Me & You' it is an instant attraction/connection, they both seem to be drawn to one another even though they both know it is wrong as Luce has only recently married Hector. Whereas in 'The Colour Purple' we have already witnessed that Celie has a soft spot/mild obsession with Shug due to the picture of her she carries around. Primarily Shug dislikes Celie for no other reason than the fact that she is married to Albert. This dislike rapidly dissolves and turns to appreciation, respect and then on to a very strong love. One that turns into a bizarre love affair between two women.