I watched the film 'Corrina Corrina' the film is based around Molly Singer and her father Manny Singer. Within the beginning of the film it is made public knowledge that her mother has recently died, we are unable to know how but it is made relevant that it has had a severe effect on Molly as she has stopped talking since it happened. Manny being caught up with grief and the fact that his only child has chosen to no longer speak decides to hire a nanny to help him at home. He initially hires someone else who appears as an covert alcoholic who also attempts to seduce him to the dismay of Molly. He soon sends her packing when she tries to get in bed with him. He soon hires Corrina even though she has no references or previous experience but he soon witnesses that her and Molly seem to have struck a match between them maybe because Corrina if the first person who has come to the interview and actually acknowledged Molly and not just seen it as a job. Soon after working for Manny, Corrina seems to encourage Molly to come out of herself first through gesturing to her when she wants something and then on her own accord Molly begins talking to her. As the once professional relartionship between the Singers and Corrina becomes that of one where there is fondness on both sides and maybe even love, complications begin to occur as both Manny and Corrina know there will be many obstacles if they do decide to pursue it. Just as everything seems to go wrong and Manny fires Corrina as well as his father dying on the exact same day. Things appear to pick up again when he and Corrina decide to put aside their differences and attempt to pursue a relationship that neither of their races would or are willing to accept due to the times and the predujuices they are often subjected to.
"Manny, listen to me. A fish and a bird can fall in love, but where do they build their home?"