'Guess Who' is a film based around the idea of meeting ones in-laws. However this film has a twist by making it so that the Jones family is not aware that the Simon Green that Theresa Jones is bringing home is white and unknown to her recently unemployed having quit his job because his boss was implying that having a black fiance could interfere with his career with in that organisation.
The film presents the audience with many laughs but when you get down to it you can see that all that Theresa really needs is someone support, for someone other than her and Simon to think that it is okay for them to be together.
The film was helpful when it came to doing my project because I wanted to find a way to discriminate against one of my characters indirectly without it being blatantly obvious and the way in which Simon's boss does it was a way in which I could try and base mine on, in a way replicate the underhanded way he presented the idea/notion to Simon as well as the way in which Simon reacted to this shocking news.

Howard Jones: "You didn't tell me he was white!"
Percy: "Yes, I did, back at the retirement home."
Howard Jones: "I thought you was kidding."