Skins the Novel
Is relatively the same as the series that comes on television. The novel takes us through what the group of teenagers get up to over the summer holidays. The novel however has a lot less drug taking than the series, through watching the series the viewing audience often witness the characters popping pills, snorting cocaine, eating magic mushrooms etc. Whereas with the book you merely read about them smoking weed and getting drunk.
The book turned out to be beneficial when it came to Naomi Campbell and Emily Fitch's relationship. The two girls who finally got together in the end of series 3 of the television series and are no out and proud flaunting their new found love with one another to the detriment of Emily's family who are finding it increasingly difficult to except her new found sexuality and girlfriend. From the Love ball episode of 'Skins' the audience witnessed Katie's disgust in Emily and Naomi's relationship and merely because she did not understand it and thought that she would lose her sister in the long run. Katie even went to the lengths of sabotaging the two's relationship by telling Naomi that Emily had slept with JJ knowing full well that it had occurred before the two had begun going out. But with every lie the truth eventually comes out and Emily and Katie end up fighting but they eventually resolve it with Emily making it known to her twin sister that she loves them both and that just because she likes girl but loves a certain girl Naomi does not change her in anyway. This relationship is similar to that of the one I have created in my major project because just like these two characters who are not initially accepted by their family because they are gay neither are my two characters. Also because neither of the girls are stereotypically 'butch' or 'a lipstick lesbian', the two merely have a unique fashion sense and their clothing does not define who is the domineering one in the relationship neither does the way either of them carries themselves because in their own light the pair of them are domineering within the relationship.
"I love you,’ I said, at the same time as Naomi. ‘I love you so much.’"