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Faking It Karma & Amy a Showmance (Season One)
Amy: "We'll just walk in and tell them we're not gay. Thank God the voting age is 18 teenagers are idiots."
We first meet best friends Amy and Karma who are trying to settle into high school in a clique to be exact. The two are then invited to a party by Shane the only out and proud gay boy in there year. He mistakenly thinks the pair are lesbians, at his party not only does he confront them but outs them to all the guests at his party (a fair amount if not all the people in their year) before declaring that they should elect them as Homecoming Queens to show their support to them. Thus begins the deception. Karma has always wanted to be popular and has tried all different avenues but when Shane drags them into being lesbians by accident, Karma decides it's their way into popularity whereas Amy isn't too sure that it's a good idea. How Karma is completely convinced this has happened for a reason and she finally has the attention of Liam who she fancies. Amy on the other hand isn't really comfortable with the sudden attention that she is getting from her peers, especially with the pretend relationship starting to mean a lot more to her.
Amy: "We're faking being lesbians. Karma is. I'm not so sure."
Initially Amy agrees to it as Karma is her best friend and she would do anything for her but as soon as they kiss for the first time which Amy initiates (only because Lauren called them out on being lesbians) things change drastically and suddenly the friendship seems phony as she has these genuine romantic feelings for her best friend. After that every cuddle, kiss, intimate touch means so much more to Amy but she constantly has to down play it so that Karma doesn't suss out how she really feels. However she soon has to confide in someone and that comes in the form of Shane as she doesn't really have a friendship with her step sister Lauren, it's Karma she's in love with and Liam is Karma's love interest.
Karma however plays up to the attention and since is unaware of Amy's true feelings always lets her not what exactly she has planned. Whether it be an impromptu kiss, public display of affection or a post for social media. Amy soon realises it's easier to go along with Karma's charade than fight it as at least if she goes along with it she gets to kiss, hold her hands and what not in public. Karma truly wants to sell it so she will kiss Amy when she least expects it, takes pictures of them kissing, she even comes out to her parents as gay who are very supportive and already love Amy as they have known her since she was in kindergarten and the two became friends. The two even attend prom together however since Amy has yet to explain the situation to her Mum she asks Shane to come over meet her Mum take pictures and pretend to be her date, which Shane is more than happy to do although his outfit isn't too convincing as far as Amy is concerned. Her Mother on the other hand seems to have no troubling in believing it.
Amy: "I asked for butch not Matthew McConaughey from Magic Mike."
Amy seems to be really committed to this pretend relationship as when it comes time for Karma to present her Homecoming Queen Amy steps up to both support her best friend and to show her Mother she is not as closed minded as her. It renders her Mother both shocked and speechless and leaving Amy's step-sister to be left with no threats as Amy has outed herself to her Mom.
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