Paige [to Emily]: "We all know what team you really play for."

Emily is still somewhat getting used to the fact that she now differs somewhat from her friends.
Emily: (About Paige McCullers) She made a comment about me being gay.Spencer: I will destroy her.
Aria: Can I help?

Soon after a certain practise it all changes when Paige decides today is the day to come clean with Emily. Paige follows Emily to her car, gets in and kisses her before rushing off, leaving Emily perplexed and Paige shocked at her own actions. After the kiss Paige avoids Emily for a while, even going to drastic measures when it comes to her swimming routine just so she doesn't have to see Emily. Paige is unable to deal with the situation so takes the cowards way out and decides to pretend it didn't happen, Paige soon caves and asks Emily to meet her a pub in the middle of nowhere the two do Karaoke together and share a kiss at the end of the date but Paige soon makes it clear that she can't be seen together anywhere with Emily near
Rosewood. Paige doesn't mean to hurt Emily but she's not ready to come out to her parents yet. This leads to the brief if you can call it that relationship between Emily and Paige to coming to an early end. The two are so reunited again after Paige goes on a date with Sean and realises he's not what she wants. She knows she wants to be with Emily and that the date with Sean only further confirmed that, she was happy to hang out with him as a friend but as soon as he kisses her at the end of that date it feels all wrong and the date now seems like a cover up.
Paige: "You’re fearless."
Emily: "I am so not fearless!"
Paige: "You came out!"Emily: "I didn’t come out of the closet, I fell out, on my face. But, I’m out and whatever else happens I don’t have to worry about it anymore."Paige: "If I say it, out loud… If I say, I’m gay, the whole world is gonna change."Emily: "Yeah, it will. You wanna hear something funny?"Paige: "I would love to hear something funny."Emily: "When I was trying to talk myself into being interested in boys, I would look for guys like you."Paige: "Like me how?"Emily: "The kind that would pull me up on stage and get me to sing, because I would never do that on my own."
After the two have a heart to heart things seem to be fine between them and they start dating. The only issue is that Emily is out and no longer cares what others think whilst Paige is still in the closet and fearful of what others will think and say about her especially her own Father. Paige tries to secretly date Emily but that only further infuriates Emily as Paige wants them to go on dates in a group in fear that someone might see them together and think they are more than just friends. Paige
then claims that she was looking up ways to come out to her parents to make it easier, she contacts a pride group. Which initially makes Emily proud but when she chickens out on the meeting Emily is left feeling disappointed. Emily isn't rushing Paige to come out but at the same time she is not going back in the closet to appease anyone. Emily in turn ends up speaking to the girl from the pride group and informing her of Paige's situation without giving away too much information. Paige turns up just as they are talking and gets jealous to which Emily decides she can no longer be in a relationship with Paige.
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