Kurt: Oh, excuse me! Um, hi, can I ask you a question? I'm new here.Blaine: My name's Blaine.(They shake hands)Kurt: Kurt. (smiles)

Brittany: "You're pretty much the only guy in this school I haven't made out with because I thought you were 'capital G' gay. But now that I know you're not, having a perfect record would mean a lot to me. So, let me know if you wanna tap this."

Kurt and Blaine's relationship was not a love at first sight sort of romance nor was it an mutual attraction between the pair of them in the beginning. Kurt always seem to fancy Blaine from day one but since Blaine already had a crush on someone else he was not interested. The two first became friends when Kurt transferred to Dalton Academy from McKinley High as he was constantly being bullied by David Karofsky due to his sexual preference. It soon comes to light that David only bullied Kurt as he was out and proud and David was too afraid to come out. Kurt and Blaine seem
like the perfect couple and when Kurt returns to McKinley High Blaine soon follows as he can't bare to be apart from him. The two seem to be going strong but when Kurt graduates from High School and moves to New York for college tensions start as the distance and the loneliness takes a toll on both guys however only Blaine acts upon it and cheats on Kurt resulting in the two breaking up for a period. They reunite and Blaine proposes which everyone seems to be ecstatic about, but the stresses of an engagement separates them again this time with each of them dating new people.
Blaine: "We met right here. I took this man's hand and we ran down that hallway. And for those that know me, I'm not in the habit of taking people's hands I've never met before but I think that my soul knew something that my body and my mind didn't know yet. It knew that our hands were meant to hold each other's, fearlessly and forever, which is why it's never really felt like I've been getting to know you, it's always felt like I was remembering you from something. As if in every lifetime you and I have lived, we've chosen to come back and find each other and fall in love all over again, over and over for all eternity. And I just feel so lucky that I found you so soon in this lifetime because all I want to do, all I've ever wanted to do is spend my life loving you. So, Kurt Hummel, my amazing friend, my one true love, will you marry me?"
- Surprisingly Blaine ends up with David and Kurt someone he meets online.

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