“Only two can keep a secret if one of them is dead.”
The Pretty Little Liars book series are an immense read, whereas in the TV show the viewing audience has been in suspense about who A is for the past 7 seasons, with the book you're in the know from the first book. The books series and TV show have relatively the same premise however they are completely different in every other sense, even down to something as simple as each of the main liars appearance. However their personalities, traits and characters are the exact same.

Hanna is somewhat insecure as she used to be a big girl and she doesn't always have the love and
support that she would like from her Father as he appears to prefer her step-sister Kate, she's loving and somewhat naive, however we soon find out also incredibly intelligent.
Emily is a jock, highly competitive (when it comes to swimming), determined, fiercely protective of
her friends the only difference between the two is that Emily conveyed in the book is a closeted bisexual whilst Emily in the TV show is an out and proud lesbian, however she has a hard time coming out in both the TV show and the book series especially to her family that's why A takes great pleasure in outing her. As well as in the book series she has a sibling where as in the TV show she is an only child.
The beauty of the two being from the same but being so different is that you are never able to 100% say well this happened in the book so it'll definitely happen in the TV show. However whether they all know it or not they are all pawns in A's twisted game of life. When looking at how each of the girls flourished into the women they are now it's because different circumstances lead them down each path. Spencer constantly bickering and trying to one up her older sister lead her to be incredibly conscientious of her and her friends surroundings. Aria having an independent upbringing taught her that in times of worry/stress she is able to cope with it and reassure her three other friends as well as her younger brother Mike at times. Hanna's initial self doubt lead her to become rather independent and secretly intelligent as she didn't want her Mother to stress (being that she is currently in a single parent family) nor her friends when situations got terrifying. Emily went from being a timid and shy girl to the strongest of the group after being forced out of the closet she learnt that in order to feel comfortable with herself and others she had to accept herself. In doing so she has risked her life saving the girls on numerous occasions in A's ridiculous games.
Now with Alison the primary conclusion the viewing audience has of her is some of power, control, manipulation, bully tactics and beauty. This is implied both in the books and TV show, however in the book we only ever see the manipulative side of Alison so that she can get what she wants whereas in the TV show we get to a softer more sympathetic side of Alison as well as finding out why she became a compulsive liar.
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