Protesters: "No hope for Homos!"
The viewing audience follow around Alex and her life, her marriage to Robert, her volunteer work at the Hope House, AID's Hospice as she and majority of the ladies in her town of Azalea Springs, Texas are junior leaguers. Unfortunately one of her close friends Bruce has been admitted to the Hospice so she is more than happy to be volunteering there so that she can regularly see him. Which thoroughly upsets and disgusts both her neanderthal of a Husband and her pretentious Mother. However the issue is that some of the people in her town are not too impressed with The Hope House having resident who have AID's so they protest about it right outside the building the ringleader being the local Priest (who leads a double life. By day he's the local priest leading the protests outside the Hospice by Night he's in the gay clubs.) Which only further makes the infected patients uncomfortable as well as their family members who want to visit them. As well as the 'Homo no more' group for men who no longer wanna lead a gay lifestyle as it goes against God or at least that's what some of the small minded people of the town believe.
Mark: "Hi, my name's Mark, and I'm a..."
Group: "Healthy Heterosexual Male!"
With Alex initially volunteering at the Hospice part-time she soon bumps into her old best friend
Grace who has recently moved back to town due to her marriage breaking down and wanting to be closer to her Mother. Both Alex and Spencer are thrilled that she is back as Spencer wants her to have some normal friends other than the brainwashed women from the junior leaguers especially Sloane. Alex and Grace reminisce over their past friendship, relationships and where their individual lives have taken them to whilst they were apart. Grace subtly drops in that even though she was married to the guy from school who evidently got her pregnant as a teen she is in fact a lesbian. The main reason that her marriage broke down is because a because her ex-husband was an abusive alcoholic who beat her up and the reason for the beating was because he found out she was having an affair with a fellow female nurse. Alex is intrigued by Grace's confession and confides in Spencer that Grace is a lesbian to which Spencer replies he always knew that because of his gaydar. He hints that Alex should have known to as she predominantly dated closeted gay guys at high school.
Soon after that revelation Alex starts to look at Grace in a whole new light and the two increase the amount of time they spend together. Alex even goes to the extreme of pretending she is ill and missing out on a night out with her husband and his new potential clients so she can rent a whole load of movies which involve some sort of lesbian relationship. It seems pretty soon after watching all the movies it has confirmed to her that she wants to pursue something with Grace even at the risk of her loveless and sexless marriage coming to an end. The two end up sharing a kiss one day at the hospital when Alex is having rather an emotional day after seeing how sick Bruce really is and that Grace/Spencer are his sole carers. Alex tries to initiate the kiss but Grace isn't sure as she knows Alex is married but she soon caves.

Alex Stratton: "Grace. I want to kiss you."
Grace Miller: "Alex, don't do this."
Alex Stratton: "Why?"
Grace Miller: "Because you're going to like it."
Just as they are getting into the kiss the two are unfortunately caught by none other than Sloane and Spencer when they are meant to be retrieving the badges of the women who have quit volunteering at the Hospice through fear that they too may catch HIV.
Sloane soon spreads the news of the two girls locking lips and Alex's husband ultimately leaves her after confronting her and blaming the end of their relationship on her both working in the Hospice and spending time with Grace not the fact that it's no longer a loving relationship but instead a marriage of convenience. Primarily Robert claims he will just leave Alex to her new found relationship but soon he soon changes his mind and makes it difficult for Alex in every possible way.
He thinks this will punish Alex however he just pushes Grace and Alex closer and closer together. The two soon go out to a gay club together for a night out away from the close minded bigots who live in their town. Whilst at the club Alex bumps into a guy from her town who is a closeted gay man due to his Father having strong beliefs to try and ride any trace of gay from him. Alex and Grace's relationship seems to moving increasingly fast first after their first kiss then after their night out at the Gay club where their childhood friend Ray Ray does a Drag Queen show.Grace Miller: Alex? Are you nervous?Alex Stratton: Are you?
Grace Miller: Yes. No, of course I'm nervous about this... but not that it's you.
Alex Stratton: I'm nervous. About this, and that it's you.
Grace Miller: Look, if you want I can see about getting another room.
Alex Stratton: I'm not THAT nervous.
Fortunately everyone is brought together at Bruce's funeral where the people from their town apologise to Spencer for the way they treated the people in the Hospice and the new found couples are able to finally be comfortable in their own skins and be with who they want to be. Sloane is presented with the gay couples, Alex's parents (her Father is very accepting however her Mother is very judgemental.)
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