Mayor Regina or is it The Evil Queen. According to her son Henry she once ruled over the Enchanted Forest getting her way in any which way she can, as well as despising Snow White for the impact her innocence had on her life by revealing one intricate detail about Regina's personal affairs. In Storybrooke she is feared/respected by all as they have no recollection of the evil woman she truly is or that she made each of their lives a living hell.
Evil Queen: "But you shall have it! My gift to you is this happy, happy day, but tomorrow my real work begins. You've made your vows, now I make mine: soon everything you love, everything all of you love, will be taken from you forever. Out of your suffering will rise my victory. I shall destroy your happiness if it is the last thing I do."

Mary Margaret: "As we build our birdhouses, remember, what you're making is a home. Not a cage. A bird is free, and will do what it will. This is for them, not us. They're loyal creatures. If you love them and they love you, they will always find you. (Bell rings) We'll pick this up after recess. No running!"
John Doe/ David Nolan or as he is know in the Enchanted Forest Prince Charming. Initially he is in a
coma, Mary Margaret feels a connection with him and is unable to work out why but as a volunteer at the hospital she visits him every week. But with Regina's evil curse she has made sure that even if he comes out of the coma he still can not be with Mary Margaret as he already has a wife and his loyalty lies with her.
David Nolan: "All due respect, Regina, I don't think you know much about evil."
Mr Gold as known as Rumplestiltskin. Henry didn't reveal his identity but instead Regina did, she thinks that he should remember their past lives as she does. However he appears not to, as if he did he would be pursuing a certain person from his past. Mr Gold is a rather calm, intelligent rich man somewhat malicious as he owns all the property in town so in essence owns all of the towns people. Rumplestiltskin however is a corrupt, malicious, devious man within the Enchanted Forest but with his wife constantly belittling him and losing the only person he loved purely he became a beast.
Rumplestiltskin (stating his price for revealing what the Queen needs for the Dark Curse to work): "In this new land, should I ever come to you for any reason, you must heed my every request — you must do whatever I say — so long as I say ... 'please'!"
Ruby or as she is known in the Enchanted Forest Red Riding Hood. In Storybrooke she seems like a
highly strung and opinionated young woman who is always in cahoots with her boss or maybe they are more. In Storybrooke uby works in Granny's which is a cafe time setting, whilst in the Enchanted Forest she is a wolf by night. She is the bestfriend of Snow White and the Granddaughter of Granny.
Red Riding Hood: "May you always run free beneath the moon's pale light." [wolves' farewell blessing to their dead]
Dr Archie Hopper or as Henry has established Jiminy Cricket who is his psychologist. Henry has been seeing him for years under the strong instruction of Regina. Henry and Dr Hopper seem to have a close knit relationship that of both a Doctor and patient as well as the compassion and love he has for the young boy in general.
Archie Hopper: "Because someday, Madam Mayor, you may find yourself in a custody battle. And d'you know how the court determines who is a fit parent? They consult an expert - particularly one... who has treated the child. So, I suggest that you think about that, and you allow me to do my work... and let me do it the way my conscience tells me to."
Dreamy/Grumpy or as the people of Storybrooke know him as Leroy. Leroy is the most miserable
person in Storybrooke always snapping at everyone except for a certain woman. He knows her both as Nun and her actual identity and he appears to love her both ways. He tires to resist is attraction when she is a Nun as he isn't sure if he is able to be with her due to religious reasons. In the Enchanted Forest his name is chosen when he picks up his pick axe however in Storybrooke he is just a miserable drunk, that only Henry is able to see past as well as...
Grumpy: "Now, I'm warnin' ya. Don't let nobody or nothin' in the house."
Sheriff Graham or also known as the Huntsman, we see very little of him in the Enchanted Forest all we know is that he intended to kill Snow White at one stage however in Storybrooke he's Regina's lapdog/boyfriend i which he does everything she asks him to do. He seems under her spell to a whole new extent to everyone else, which isn't quite understandable in the beginning but soon everything comes to light.
The Huntsman: [to a sleeping Snow White] "You deserved better. I once had a wife, Princess. Sara was her name. When I came back from the wars I carried with me the stench of death and the anger of the lost. I wasn't worth saving, that's for sure. She did so anyway. And I loved her so much. I loved her more than anyone or anything. Then I let her out of my sight and she was gone. And I became myself again. A self I never cared for. Until you. See, you remind me of her. Her heart, her spirit. But now you, too, have gone. You both deserved better and I'm so sorry I failed you. I'm so sorry. But you'll be a queen in Heaven now and sit among the angels. "[kisses Snow White]
Emma both in the Enchanted Forest and Storybrooke, the only child of Mary Margaret and an unknown person of Storybrooke who have no recollection of their true identity nor to the fact that their daughter is currently in their presence. Also Henry's biological Mother who he has loved before he even knew her. She is supposedly the Savior and will be able to break the curse so that everyone in Storybrooke will be able to remember their true identities.
Emma: [Emma to Regina] "Henry brought me to Storybrooke to bring back the happy endings. my jobs not done until I do that for everyone... including you."
Henry the young child with the book determined to find out the truth and seek out his birth Mother no
matter what the repercussions are. Even if it's defying the only Mother he's ever known, stealing from his teacher in order to go on the trip and conning his biological Mother into coming to Storybrooke.
Henry "I'm done reading about heroes. I want to be one."
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