interested in the same things it's just Ollie comes about it in a whole new way. It's just that he is kind of camp, flamboyant, out there mannerisms and general posture without being too over the top. He is more than keen to share the secrets of how to have luxurious hair like his with a few simple tricks or how he has such flawless makeup.
Ollie attempts to get a date with a guy and is successful with Richard's help the problem is when Ollie goes in for a kiss and the guy tells him he's not ready for that. Which leaves Ollie feeling both embarrassed, rejected and pouring his heart out to his best friends. He seems to have lost his confidence and charisma when it came to that date, probably because he was out of his comfort zone having not dated a man before. He shouldn't have rushed in all guns blazing instead he should have taken his time to get to know the guy like he would have done with any lady he had dated in the past.
The beauty of witnessing Ollie finding himself in 'Made in Chelsea' is that he showed the struggle that some adults go through later on in life when they realize they are bi-sexual, gay, lesbian, transgender etc. Obviously some of it was played up for rating but majority of his thoughts/feelings and emotions were genuine which many people could/can indentify with